Crispy, golden and cheesy! Good use of leftover mashed potatoes. This recipe is very versatile: you can add minced garlic, chives, or 1/4 cup of any shredded...
Vinny Dotolo found inspiration for this elegant dish by thinking about New Year's Eve classics. Both Champagne and caviar flavor the butter sauce that...
Bramboracky (bram-bor-atch-key) are traditional pan-fried potato pancakes best accompanied by beer. This is a recipe that my Czech boyfriend and I have...
These mashed potato pancakes use leftover mashed potatoes and are made with just a few basic ingredients. You can fry up this delightful and inexpensive...
These mashed potato pancakes use leftover mashed potatoes and are made with just a few basic ingredients. You can fry up this delightful and inexpensive...
These mashed potato pancakes use leftover mashed potatoes and are made with just a few basic ingredients. You can fry up this delightful and inexpensive...
Who would have thought a backyard skillet grill would change the world! I can't believe how much fun it is cooking on these. These potatoes are easy and...
This is a recipe from my father-in-law who taught it to me to feed his son when they visited from Minnesota. I think it's German or Norwegian in origin....
These are thin, crispy, fried potato pancakes. They are delicious!! This recipe has been passed down generations in my Polish family. Platski are very...
This a a great recipe for the snackers out there! I have also found they go really well as a side dish! They go really well with ketchup but if your palate...
Bramboracky (bram-bor-atch-key) are traditional pan-fried potato pancakes best accompanied by beer. This is a recipe that my Czech boyfriend and I have...
Bramboracky (bram-bor-atch-key) are traditional pan-fried potato pancakes best accompanied by beer. This is a recipe that my Czech boyfriend and I have...
These traditional potato pancakes are wonderful comfort food. Serve with applesauce and sour cream for a light dinner, or with roast chicken for a hearty...
These are a nice change from regular pancakes. They make a great dinner meal when served with bratwurst sausage. I spread mine with cranberry sauce and...
These mashed potato pancakes use leftover mashed potatoes and are made with just a few basic ingredients. You can fry up this delightful and inexpensive...
Latkes (potato pancakes) are a must-have at Hanukkah, but really are wonderful any time of year! This is my mother's recipe, which is honestly the best...
Boxty is a traditional Irish dish made of potatoes. An old Irish rhyme goes: 'Boxty on the griddle, boxty on the pan; if you can't make boxty, you'll never...
Latkes (potato pancakes) are a must-have at Hanukkah, but really are wonderful any time of year! This is my mother's recipe, which is honestly the best...
These are thin, crispy, fried potato pancakes. They are delicious!! This recipe has been passed down generations in my Polish family. Platski are very...
This a a great recipe for the snackers out there! I have also found they go really well as a side dish! They go really well with ketchup but if your palate...
These mashed potato pancakes use leftover mashed potatoes and are made with just a few basic ingredients. You can fry up this delightful and inexpensive...
Boxty is a traditional Irish dish made of potatoes. An old Irish rhyme goes: 'Boxty on the griddle, boxty on the pan; if you can't make boxty, you'll never...
Boxty is a traditional Irish dish made of potatoes. An old Irish rhyme goes: 'Boxty on the griddle, boxty on the pan; if you can't make boxty, you'll never...
Boxty is a traditional Irish dish made of potatoes. An old Irish rhyme goes: 'Boxty on the griddle, boxty on the pan; if you can't make boxty, you'll never...
This a a great recipe for the snackers out there! I have also found they go really well as a side dish! They go really well with ketchup but if your palate...